The EDL program consists of 7 projects, all with their own use cases, which are supported by 6 research lines; see  the matrix below. In-turn the research lines are inspired by the use cases; they are centered on the societal and industrial relevant themes following the High-tech Systems and Materials (HTSM) roadmaps.

The EDL projects are fed by six research lines  which act across project borders, assuring strong scientific synergy between academic and industry partners. The research lines are divided in two pillars: The EDL learning research lines (R1 to R3) focus on novel DL methodologies with emphasis on efficiency. These research lines will bring forward novel scientific building blocks that fuel the innovations of the projects. The EDL computing research lines (R4 to R6) work together to make sure that the novel DL methodologies developed in R1-R3 are implemented efficiently on systems ranging from specialized, low power hardware to clouds.

Below is the EDL matrix organisation, showing which projects contribute to which research lines. Note, this table is from the original proposal; during the execution of the EDL program certainly changes will occur.